what is luxury

first-class flight to Paris with a glass of champagne? Or a road trip in a 4 x 4 with a coffee flask and roadside picnics? A Louis Vuitton luggage set in fine leather or a canvas backpack scuffed with memories of previous trips?

Is luxury encapsulated in the 57 facets of the diamonds glittering on my finger and caught in the intricately woven gold chains with multiple trinkets hanging around my neck? Or can it be found in the life-bearing dew drops clinging on spiderwebs glistening in the morning sun rays? Or in the sunshine weaving its beams through the canopy of a tree, warming my soul and cooling my body?

What is luxury? The smell of Chanel No 5 or Aramis for Men? Or the bottled memories of the earthy smell of a forest floor, the fresh odor of raindrops on a dusty road, the pungent whiff from Karoo bushes woken up by summer rain?

Is luxury the caress of my hand over satin bedding and silk lingerie, or the scorching heat of the sand of the Namib desert as it runs through my fingers while I contemplate the quietness?

Is it the luxurious sounds of an immaculate symphony composed by Mozart or the cacophony of weaver birds hanging over the small stream rippling over the riverbed with its soothing sound?

What is a luxury, indeed? Racing through airports and rushing through shopping centers to fill my shopping trolley with yet more possessions to fill my stunning apartment with trinkets, treasures, and trivia, or is it having the luxury of time? To be able to stroll slowly on the shoreline, picking up seastars and seashells? Travel slowly over a gravel road while hunting for animals lurking in the bushes and behind trees? Making memories and sharing sunsets?

The luxurious display of an immaculately arranged flower bouquet – each perfect bloom carefully selected from specially cultivated bulbs in specialized hothouses just for the export market, or the frail blossom on a succulent in the arid Karoo veld, struggling for survival through the hard earth, grasping at a few drops of rain to display its beauty for a short while?

Is luxury symbolized by the creative spirit of an artist meticulously spread over the canvas hanging in my sitting room or by the wondrous painting of clouds across the heavens?

What is a luxury, indeed?

 I’m a simple woman.

I can enjoy and cherish luxury – but true luxury is knowing who I am and being comfortable with myself.

what is luxury
what is luxury

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